
[국가내 국가 허용] 미국 네바다 주지사 스티브 시솔락은 기술회사들이 네바다에서 "혁신지역"을 만들 수 있도록 원하는 바에따라 관할권 주었다. 이 관할권 구역은 3명으로 구성된 이사회가 관리한다. 이 중 2명은 기술회사 자체에서 임명하면 된다. 이 위원회는 세금, 구역설정, 지역 카운티 조례를 대체하는 법률까지 모든 것을 만들고, 결정하고 관리할 권한을 갖게 된다.

박영숙세계미래보고서저자 | 기사입력 2021/02/28 [13:34]

[국가내 국가 허용] 미국 네바다 주지사 스티브 시솔락은 기술회사들이 네바다에서 "혁신지역"을 만들 수 있도록 원하는 바에따라 관할권 주었다. 이 관할권 구역은 3명으로 구성된 이사회가 관리한다. 이 중 2명은 기술회사 자체에서 임명하면 된다. 이 위원회는 세금, 구역설정, 지역 카운티 조례를 대체하는 법률까지 모든 것을 만들고, 결정하고 관리할 권한을 갖게 된다.

박영숙세계미래보고서저자 | 입력 : 2021/02/28 [13:34]

 미국 네바다 주지사, 블록체인 LLC라는 기업에 네바다주 내에서 군단위 독립관활권 제공, 지정된 군내에서 자체적인 법, 세금, 교통법, 교육법 등 다양한 지방법을 허용. 국가내의 국가, 도 내의 도 관활권제공, 거대기업유치를 위한 전략.

  © 운영자

네바다, 단지 암호화 회사가 마을 전체를 "혁신 영역"으로 운영하도록 허용 (?!?)


국가내 국가, 네바다주 안에 만드는 기업국가

네바다 주지사는 피할 수없는 사이버펑크 디스토피아를 향해 국가의 발전을 시도하려는 목적으로 2월 21일 기술회사들에게 카운티 정부와 유사한 관할권과 권력을 부여하는 제안을 발표했다.

주지사 스티브 시솔락은 기술회사들이 네바다에서 "혁신 영역"을 만들 수 있도록 원하는 바에따라 관할권 등을 갖도록 했다고 AP 통신 이 보도했다. 이 관할권 구역은 3명으로 구성된 이사회가 관리한다. 이 중 2명은 기술회사 자체에서 임명하면 된다. 이 위원회는 세금, 구역설정, 지역 카운티 조례를 대체하는 법률까지 모든 것을 만들고, 결정하고 관리할 권한을 갖게된다.  

그렇다.  네바다주는 기술회사에 자체 법규를 작성할 수있는 능력을 부여한 것이다. 네바다주 내의 테크기업들이 자체 법을 가지고 관할권내에서는 모든 법률을 만들어 결정할 수 있는 국가내에서 국가를 만들도록 허용한 것이다. 

자격을 갖추기 위해 회사는 네바다 카운티 한 곳에서 최소 50,000에이커의 토지를 소유하고 개발에 12억 5천만 달러를 투자 할 것을 약속해야한다. 1.3조원 이상의 자금을 투자한 회사에 한한다.

"혁신영역은 독특하고 대담한 아이디어들이며 아무 테크기업이나 두 팔을 벌려 즉시 받아들이지 않을 것이다." Sisolak은 금요일에 아이러니의 힌트없이 Reno Gazette Journal에 말했다 . "하지만 오늘부터 우리는 네바다주민들 Nevadans를 돕기 위해 이 새로운 결정이 어떻게 작동 할 수 있는지에 대해 공개적이고 정직하며 생산적인 대화를 나눌 예정이다."

네바다 주 멋진 암호화도시에 오신 것을 환영합니다!

이 제안은 Blade Runner가 가상 영화보다 청사진에 가깝다고 생각하는 모든 기술회사에게 열려 있지만 의도된 목표가있었다. 2018에 나온 이야기이다.

이 회사는 인프라에 블록체인기술이 내장된 도시를 만들기를 원하는데, 네바다 시골에 스마트 시티" 를 건설하고자한다대마초 판매 또는 Uber 및 Postmates와 같은 공연작업과 같은 주 내 다양한 ​​산업분야에서 암호화폐를 사용할 계획이다. 

Blockchains LLC BTW의뢰에 따르면 경제적 영향평가, 스마트도시는 연간 생산량에 $2.2억까지 투사하며, 네바다에서 경제성장을 높일수 있다는 것이다.  

확실히 회사 도시는 아니다.

하지만 많은 사람들은 이것이 우리가 단지 일을 하고있는 회사가 하나의 도시로 바뀐다는 시나리오를 우려하기는 한다. 그러나 Blockchains LLC의 CEO인 Jeffrey Berns는 당연히 이것이 모두 선의로 그리고 그의 회사의 기술이 선의 힘이라고 한다. 자유 자본주의의 암울하고 디스토피아적 dystopic 결과가 아니라고 설명한다. 

그는 2월에 AP 와의 인터뷰에서 "우리가 구축하려는 것은 회사가 아닌 권력을 가진 곳이다."라고 말했다.

Sisolak 주지사는 또한 이것이 자신의 주를위한 순이익이라고 단호하게 설명한다.“ 이 제안은 네바다를 첨단기술과 혁신의 글로벌센터로 자리매김하는 동시에 즉각적인 긍정적인 경제를 창출하는 데 도움을 줄 수있는 흥미롭고 전례없는 개념이다. 미래 경제에 영향을 미치고 거대한 부상경제를 만들 수 있다고 설명한다.

그것은 매우 설득력있는 아이디어이다. 하지만 과거에 정부와 법적 고삐를 기업에 넘겨 주면서 배운 것이 있다면, 이 도시의 노동자와 시민들은 결국 시간이 지남에 따라 기업의 독주나 그들의 영리에 멍이 든다는 것이다. 따라서 이 "스마트 시티"는 정확히 가장 스마트한 아이디어가 아닐 수도 있다고 우려하는 사람들도 있다. 

또한 누군가는 아마도 석탄채굴자 대신 비트코인채굴자에 대한 에너지소비 등에 대해서도 16톤 석탄을 대체하는 작업 등을 업데이트해야 할수도 있다.

더 읽어보기 : 네바다 주지사는 기술회사에 통치권을 부여 할 것을 제안합니다 


Innovation Nation

In an apparent attempt to barrel the country towards its inevitable cyberpunk dystopia, Nevada’s governor announced a proposal on Friday that would give tech companies jurisdiction and power akin to county governments.

Gov. Steve Sisolak wants to allow tech companies to be able to create “Innovation Zones” in Nevada, according to The Associated Press. These zones will be governed by an assigned board of three people (two of whom are appointed by the company itself). That board will have the power to determine and govern everything from taxing, to zoning, to even laws that would supersede local county ordinances.  

That’s right: They want to give tech companies the ability to write their own laws.

In order to qualify, the companies need to own at least 50,000 acres of land in one Nevada county and promise to invest $1.25 billion into the development.

“Innovation zones are a unique and bold idea that I understand will not be received immediately with open arms,” Sisolak told the Reno Gazette Journal without a hint of irony on Friday. “But it is my hope that starting today, we can have open, honest, productive conversation on how this could work […] to help Nevadans and not simply write it off.”

Welcome To Fabulous Crypto City, Nevada!

Though the proposal is open to all tech companies who believe Blade Runner is more of a blueprint than a fictional movie, there was an intended target for it: Blockchains LLC — a cryptocurrency company that bought 67,000 acres in Storey County, Nevada for $160 million in 2018.

The company wants to build a “smart city” in rural Nevada with blockchain tech embedded in its infrastructure. They also plan on using cryptocurrency in a variety of different industries in the state such as cannabis sales, or gig work like Uber and Postmates. 

According to an economic impact study (commissioned by Blockchains LLC btw), the smart city will boost economic growth in Nevada, projecting up to $2.2 billion in annual output.  

Definitely Not A Company Town

Of course, many are rightfully concerned that this is rapidly turning into a wait-a-minute-we’re-just-doing-company-towns-again-aren’t-we scenario — but Blockchains LLC’s CEO Jeffrey Berns unsurprisingly believes it’s all in good faith and that his company’s technology is a force of good (and not the bleak, dystopic consequences of unfettered capitalism). 

“What we’re trying to build is a place where you have power instead of companies,” he told AP in February.

Gov. Sisolak is also adamant that this is a net good for his state, explaining, “This proposal is an exciting, unprecedented concept that has a potential to position Nevada as a global center of advanced technology and innovation, while helping create immediate positive economic impact and shape the economy of the future.”

Look, it’s a very compelling idea — but if we’ve learned anything from handing governmental and legal reins over to corporations in the past, it’s that the workers and citizens of these towns end up getting screwed over big time. So maybe this “smart city” isn’t exactly the smartest idea.

(Also, someone should probably update the song 16 Tons to be about Bitcoin miners instead of coal miners.)

Nevada’s governor on Friday unveiled a proposal that would allow technology companies to establish jurisdictions with powers similar to those of county governments, arguing the state needed to be bold to diversify its economy and pushing back against those who have likened the idea to company towns.

“This proposal is an exciting, unprecedented concept that has a potential to position Nevada as a global center of advanced technology and innovation, while helping to create immediate positive economic impact and shape the economy of the future,” Gov. Steve Sisolak said of his Innovation Zones idea. “As we’ve learned in the past, an emergency requires us to throw out the tried-and-true, discard the ‘How We’ve Always Done It’ manual and move on.”


Under the proposal, companies developing cutting-edge technologies that have at least 50,000 acres (200 sq. kilometers) of land and promise to invest $1.25 billion could establish “Innovation Zones.” The zones would be governed by a board responsible for overseeing zoning, taxation, law enforcement and other government functions on their land. It would override local county regulations.

The governor’s office of economic development would initially appoint three members to govern the zone, including two required to be from the company.

While the legislation does not specifically mention the company, the proposal is geared toward Blockchains LLC, a cryptocurrency company that owns 67,000 acres of land (270 sq. kilometers) in rural Storey County. Blockchains LLC hopes to build a smart city 12 miles (19 kilometers) east of Reno that would include underground data storage bunkers, 15,000 homes and a research and development park where entrepreneurs could invent applications of blockchain technology.

Blockchain is a digital ledger known mostly for recording cryptocurrency transactions. Local governments have also taken advantage of its secure record-keeping capabilities to document marriage licenses and facilitate overseas voting.

The Innovation Zone proposal has sparked concerns about ceding excessive amounts of power to technology companies. But Blockchains CEO Jeffrey Berns insists that the company’s technology has the potential to empower people to control their digital footprint.

“What we’re trying to build is a place where you have power instead of companies,” he told The Associated Press earlier in February.

An economic impact study commissioned by Blockchains projects the company’s Innovation Zone will create jobs, economic activity and revenue from a tax imposed on transactions made on the blockchain. The study projects Blockchains’ proposal will eventually generate $2.2 billion in direct output annually, about 1.3% of Nevada’s overall economic activity.


But forecasting the economic impact of unproven technology is difficult, particularly because many of the potential applications of the company’s ledger technology have yet to be invented.

Applied Analysis’ Jeremy Aguero, who authored the study, said the projections were based on more than cryptocurrency transactions and encompassed any action on Blockchains’ database made in Nevada or elsewhere. Blockchains, he said, planned to pilot its cryptocurrency in Nevada on industries like cannabis sales or in the gig economy and then expand its applications to other sectors and locations. All of the transaction taxes would be collected by Nevada.

“When we think about it in terms of the revenue estimates that are being yielded, it’s not just related to cryptocurrency. It’s related to any of the transactions that will add a block to the chain,” Aguero said.

Blockchain technology is already used to record financial transactions, store medical records and coordinate supply chain logistics. Sisolak said the purpose of innovation zones is to attract developers to Nevada as they devise new ways to use the technology.

“The applications of the technology are limitless. We cannot even imagine what their technology could be,” he said.

The yet-to-be invented applications are a key reason that Blockchains wants to establish an Innovation Zone. The company and the proposal’s proponents say small jurisdictions are not the ideal governmental bodies to make decisions about new technologies and a massive development that, in Storey County’s case, could increase the population tenfold.

“The traditional forms and functions of local government ... are inadequate alone to provide the flexibility and resources conducive to making the State a leader in attracting and retaining new forms and types of businesses,” according to draft legislation.

Some locals disagree. Storey County resident Eileen Gay said that the mechanisms in place for development and project approval protect local interests and the environment.

“Oversight is what makes for safe, well-considered, well-balanced development,” she told county commissioners at a Feb. 16 meeting. “What is to prevent this 800-pound gorilla of a neighbor from swallowing our small neighborhood up?”

Developers may indeed invent new ways to use the digital ledger, but at an August 2020 Storey County Commission meeting, Blockchains lobbyist Matthew Digesti described the company’s proposal as something local governments routinely encounter: a “high-tech business park integrated with a master planned residential community.”

Sisolak said he understood that the Innovation Zones was unconventional, but he said the pandemic had proven that Nevada needs to be bold to diversify its tourism-driven economy. He said government and the private sector needed to work together to induce economy recovery.


“What we’ve been doing has not worked,” he said. “We cannot wait for economic recovery to come to us. We must accelerate and pursue innovative ways to inject Nevada with new and organic economic growth, and more jobs.”

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