

[유엔미래포럼에서 정한 2024년의 35대 뉴스] 지구촌온도 1.5도 넘어, 도날드 트럼프 당선, 멕시코에 첫 여성대통령당선, 가자 이스라엘의 폭격에 대한 거대한 반대시위, 로봇과 인공지능결합이 브레이크스루,

박영숙세계미래보고서저자 | 기사입력 2024/12/27 [12:07]

[유엔미래포럼에서 정한 2024년의 35대 뉴스] 지구촌온도 1.5도 넘어, 도날드 트럼프 당선, 멕시코에 첫 여성대통령당선, 가자 이스라엘의 폭격에 대한 거대한 반대시위, 로봇과 인공지능결합이 브레이크스루,

박영숙세계미래보고서저자 | 입력 : 2024/12/27 [12:07]


유엔미래포럼에서 정한 2024년의 35대 뉴스


2024 Year in Review (not listed in any priority; non-scientific, subjective

review by Jerome.Glenn@Millennium-Project.org and jglenn@igc.org)

1. Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny “dies” in prison.

2. Global temperature continues to pass 1.5 o C threshold above pre-industrial levels.

3. Donald Trump fined $175 million for years of business fraud in New York and

found guilty of election issue coverup.

4. Boening maroons two astronauts on the International Space Station

5. Claudia Sheinbaum elected as the first female president of Mexico.

6. El Capitan, in the U.S. becomes fastest computer in the world (1.742exa FLOPs)

7. US Supreme Court grants Presidential significant immunity.

8. Donald Trump elected Present of the United States

9. Both US and China initiated separate UN resolutions on AI; both were adopted

by UN General Assembly and both supported by each other.

10. Massive protests against Israel’s conduct of the war in Gaza.

11. International Criminal Court issues arrest warrant for PM Netanyahu of Israel

12. AI breakthroughs continue to accelerate and integrate with robots.

13. China and the EU create first legal framework for artificial intelligence.

14. The International Space Station moved twice to avoid orbital debris

15. China claims Tongtong is the first AGI robot with curiosity like a 3 or 4 year old.

16. Water molecules confirmed on two asteroids and a planet 280 light years away

17. UN Summit of the Future approves Pact for the Future

18. UN Climate COP 29 held in Baku.

19. China’s Chang-e 6 returned a sample from the far side of the moon.

20. First private sector soft landing on the moon by Intuitive Machines and Falcon 9.

21. Russian war on Ukraine continues makes little progress

22. Civil wars in Sudan and Myanmar continue

23. Liquid water discovered on Mars 7 miles below the surface.

24. Paris Summer Olympics reinforces the spirit of common humanity.

25. Bitcoin passes US$100,000

26. Nobel prize for physics and chemistry awarded to AI innovators

27. The UK becomes the first G7 country to phase out coal power

28. First-ever "close-up" image of a star outside the Milky Way Galaxy

29. Global warming continues as 2024 is the hottest year on record

30. Council of Europe’s AI Convention binding treaty signed by 11 countries so far.

31. Neuralink brain implanted paraplegic person plays chess with his thoughts alone.

32. Taylor Swift’s world tour generated more than $10 billion on local economies.

33. Global warming cost the world US$310 billion in damages.

34. Assad flees to Moscow as 13-year civil war ends in Syria

35. Google’s Willon superconducting quantum computing chip improves accuracy,

error reduction as the numbers of qubits increases


2023 Year in Review (not listed in any priority; non-scientific, subjective

review by Jerome.Glenn@Millennium-Project.org and jglenn@igc.org)


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1. ChatGPT wakes up the world to future AI impacts on education, work, culture.

2. Turkey/Syria Earthquake kills 50,000, triggers building codes new enforcement.

3. Russian invasion of Ukraine continues.

4. Europe survived winter with new energy sources.

5. Deepfakes, disinformation proliferates, no rules for information warfare.

6. UN Treaty to protect 30% of the oceans’ biodiversity by 2030 open for signature

7. Every neural connection mapped in a larval fruit fly.

8. International Criminal Court (ICC) issues arrest warrant for Vladmir Putin.

9. Former President Trump is indited 4 times with total of 91 charges.

10. First X-ray image of a single atom.

11. First space solar power transmission from orbit to earth by Caltech.

12. Pure chicken meat from genetic material without chickens USDA approved

13. UN Security Council explores the security implications of artificial intelligence

14. China creates first national laws to regulate generative AI

15. July-October were the hottest months in recorded history

16. Massive demonstrations in Israel over reducing the supreme court’s power

17. Hamas invades Israel, global condemnation of Israel for devastating response.

18. China passes the US in number of scientific articles in the Nature Index.

19. India passes China as the most populous nation

20. Building blocks of life (methenium, CH3+ (and/or carbon cation, C+) detected in

interstellar space.

21. FDA approval for testing brain chips implants in humans by Neuralink

22. World Summit II on Parliamentary Committees for the Future held in Uruguay.

23. India lands on near moon’s south poll, while Russia crashed a few days before.

24. Human brain activity translated into continuous stream of text.

25. Organized crime received $2.2 trillion from cybercrimes, while it cost business

and individuals $8 trillion in 2023.

26. European Court of Human Rights to hear global warming case against 33

governments (first serious example of intergenerational law).

27. US and China, plus 27 other countries sign Bletchley Declaration on international

cooperation to develop safe AI

28. Alzheimer’s disease onset decreased by 35% by Donanemab drug.

29. Mico- and nanoplastics pass the blood-brain barrier in mice.

30. Electronics grown inside living tissue furthers new field of bioelectronics.

31. The global average temperature temporarily exceeds 2°C above the pre-

industrial average November 17th for the first time in recorded history.

32. COP28 in Dubai and COP29 in Baku announced, both oil-dependent economies

33. Google claims Gemini has advanced reasoning beyond GPT-4

34. Presidents Xi and Biden agree to joint US-China AI safety working group

For comparison, my annual lists since 2010:

2022 Year in Review (not listed in any priority; non-scientific, subjective

review by Jerome.Glenn@Millennium-Project.org and jglenn@igc.org)


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1. First genetically modified pig’s heart transplanted into a living human lived 2 months.

2. Russia invades Ukraine.

3. Finland and Sweden ask to join NATO.

4. China’s Zhurong rover landed on Mars.

5. New Covid mutations continue around the world, but overall Covid pandemic degreases.

6. Worldwide inflation driven by supply chains disrupted by Covid and Russian invasion of

Ukraine, plus massive US and other national financial covid relief infusions of money.

7. NASA’s James Webb telescope shows closest origins of the universe.

8. ISO issues organization AI governance ISO/IEC 38507.

9. US House Hearings proved Trump lead attempted coup refusing peaceful transition.

10. Non-Cow animal protein milk using 99%less water, 97% fewer GHG, 60% less energy.

11. Cell-based Chicken on sale in Singapore and US FDA approves Upside for sales in US.

12. Robot taxies now in operation in Las Vegas by Uber and San Francisco by Waymo, also

in Wuhan and Chongqing, China by Baidu.

13. Finland’s World Summit on Parliamentary Committees on the Future initiates world

movement for all parliaments to have their own Committees on the Future.

14. UN aggress to UN Summit on the Future in 2024.

15. Green House Gases reach the highest level since the industrial revolution.

16. One third of Pakistan underwater costing $30 billion due to global climate change.

17. Natural disasters (storms, floods, fires) cost $260 billion.

18. UN Climate Conference in Egypt (COP27) payment for global warming damages.

19. NASA proves asteroid’s trajectory can be altered to save the earth from future collision.

20. Computer-connected lab-grown human brain cells learned how to play pong without

being connected to a body.

21. Human genome sequenced in just 5 hours and 2 minutes.

22. US Dept. of Energy’s Frontier computer at Oak Ridge sets world record as fastest

computer at 1.1 exaflops/second.

23. First photograph of the black hole at the center of our galaxy.

24. As of mid-2022 there were 103 million refugees or displaced persons (mostly from Syria,

Venezuela and Ukraine).

25. UN Biodiversity COP 15 agreed to protect 30% of the Earth’s land and water by 2030.

26. COVAX delivered over 1 billion doses to poorer nations, half given by Pfizer.

27. Queen Elizabeth dies after 70 years rein over the United Kingdom.

28. ChatGPT interactive AI wakes up the world to future possibilities of advanced AI.

29. US National Lab demonstrates fusion can make more energy than it consumes.

30. Argentina wins the World Cup.


2021 Year in Review (not listed in any priority; non-scientific, subjective

review by Jerome.Glenn@Millennium-Project.org and jglenn@igc.org)

1. The Pandemic cost the global economy US$28 trillion, beteem 2020 and 2025

estimates the IMF and continues to mutate with new variants becoming the

majority of infections.

2. Over 9 billion Covid vaccine shots have been given in 184 countries by year end.

3. About 5.8 million Covid reported deaths; 12.6 million attributable to COVID-19,

including unreported deaths.

4. Anti-Covid pills approved (Pfizer's Paxlovid and Merck's Molnupiravir).

5. Joe Biden becomes US President, creates massive US vaccination and


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economic recovery program, commits $4 billion to GAVI for international

vaccines, other overseas economic recovery, and rejoins the Paris Climate


6. Trump extremists invade the US Capitol fail to stop the election certification.

7. UN Secretary-General releases “Our Common Agenda” as the most future-

oriented UN reform document ever produced by the UN SG’s Office.

8. First part of IPCC’s 6 th assessment: “the effects of human-caused climate change

are now "widespread, rapid, and intensifying."

9. Historic droughts, fires, floods cost $170 billion $20 billion more than last year.

10. COP26 US-China joint statement, reduce methane 30% by 2030 which focuses

on agriculture, keep to 1.5°C goal but current country pledges will not make it.

11. US National Intelligence Council’s report: Preliminary Assessment: Unidentified

Aerial Phenomena [UFOs] showed that UFOs are real, but not understood.

12. James Webb space telescope launched to see origins of the universe, birth of

galaxies, and potential for life on distant planets.

13. Scientists create simulated space warp bubble that shows warp drive for

interstellar travel might be possible.

14. Reusable private sector rockets launched Branson and Bezos into sub-orbital

space tourism, while Musk launches three-earth-orbital private tourism.

15. NASA flies helicopter on Mars and makes oxygen from Martian atmosphere.

16. China lands a robotic rover on the surface of Mars.

17. China launched the crewed Shenzhou-12 spacecraft to dock with Tianhe Space


18. Russia blows up its own satellite creating 1,500 new pieces of space junk in its

anti-satellite test.

19. The world embraces 5G without biological impact studies.

20. Cyber and information warfare continue to expand beyond public understanding.

21. Turkish Autonomous AI drones used in Syria, Libya and by Azerbaijan against


22. North Korea continues missile tests including submarine launched missiles.

23. Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons adopted by the UN in 2017

entered into force after 50 countries ratified the treaty by January 2021.

24. Increased tensions (Russia and Ukraine) (China and Taiwan) and armed

conflicts continue in Ethiopia, Libya, Mali, Myanmar, Somalia, Syria, Yemen.

25. US and other NATO allies pull out of Afghanistan; Taliban regains power.

26. The G20 endorsed G7’s decision to create a global minimum corporate tax.15%

27. Computer chip shortage shows global dependency on Taiwan.

28. Elon Musk’s Neuralink fabricated computer-connected fibers to individual

neurons in the brain of monkeys to play pong without an external interface.

29. Elon Musk becomes the richest man in history.

30. Japan’s Fugaku continues as the fastest public supercomputer at 442 petaflops.

31. Chinese start-up SpinQ creates desktop quantum computer.

32. IBM's 127 qubit chip is available for commercial use and IBM has produced a 2-

nanometer chip with 50 billion transistors.

33. Total market cap of cryptocurrencies passed $3 trillion November 2021 and El

Salvador makes Bitcoin a national currency along with US dollar.

34. US government penetrated blockchain to recover Bitcoins for Colonial Pipeline.


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35. NFT (nonfungible token) JPG file digital art sold for $63 million.

36. WHO approves first Malaria vaccine.

37. Malawi opens the first 3-D printed school building.

38. Pandora papers exposed secret offshore accounts of 35 world leaders, including

130 billionaires.

2020 Year in Review (not listed in any priority)

1. COVID-19 brought the world to a grinding halt, increased tele-everything & AI

2. The pandemic caused first global “time out’ for humanity to rethink everything

3. The Internet connects about 60% of humanity: 5 billion people

4. US President Trump Impeached twice

5. CERN has contained antimatter (antihydrogen) for 24 hours.

6. Iranian General Qasem Soleimani killed in US drone strike

7. UK withdraws from the EU

8. Tokyo Summer Olympics postponed to 2021

9. Polio eradicated from Africa

10. At least 1.5 billion students were out of school at the peak of the pandemic

11. The world fell into recession caused by the Covid pandemic -4.4% decline

12. Stock Market falls 2997 points on March 9 th then passes historical high of 30,000

13. Jeff Bezos becomes first to have a net worth over $200 billion.

14. Carbon emissions fell a record 7%, yet CO2 ppm rises to new records

15. 2020 likely to be hottest or second hottest year on record.

16. Over 1.3 million recreational drones in US; 100+ countries have military drones

17. 995 satellites were launched in 2020; nearly 3000 satellites orbit the earth today

18. Deinococcus Radiodurans bacteria adapted its DNA to live in outer space

19. Black Lives Matter movement in the US spreads worldwide

20. China announced a quantum computer calculated in 200 seconds at room

temperature what a supercomputer would take 2.5 billion years to complete.

21. Joe Biden beats Donald Trump for the US presidency

22. First Asian-Black Woman elected Vice President of the United States

23. Worst invasion of desert locusts in East Africa in 70 years

24. Japan brought back samples from an asteroid 300+ million kilometers away

25. 42 journalists killed for being journalists

26. Terrorism deaths fell for the past five years

27. UAE, Bahrain, Sudan, Morocco, Bhutan create diplomatic relations with Israel

28. Beirut Lebanon Port massive explosion kills 190 people August 4 th

29. Hong Kong public uprising against PRC’s national security law for Hong Kong

30. Climate change leads to record number of hurricanes, fires, and floods

31. Political polarization continues to worsen; social discord increases

32. Video conferencing goes mainstream for friends, education, work, and health

33. Ruth Bader Ginsburg's death brings new conservative U.S. Supreme Court

34. Plant-based hamburgers become available in fast food restaurants

35. CRISPR gene editing for home test to identify COVID RNA for precision testing.

36. SpaceX brings crew to the Space Station, as first private space craft to do that.

37. Vaccines made in record time and first time from mRNA by Pfizer and Moderna

38. Venezuela, Yemen, and Syria continue downward spiral


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39. Elon Musk’s Neuralink fabricated computer-connected fibers to individual

neurons in the brain of pigs.

40. China plants PRC flag on the moon during lunar sample return

41. Thousands of 12,500 years old cave paintings alone 8 miles long in the Amazon

42. Largest set of cyber-attacks hit the United States


2019 Year in Review (not listed in any priority)

1. Public quantum computing via the IBM cloud; Google (54 qubits) quantum

supremacy (not publicly available) passed China which has 50-cubit device.

2. First photo of a Black Hole

3. Atmospheric CO 2 reached 411 ppm in May 2019 (in May 1958 in was 317.5)

4. Global Warming declared emergency by 11,000 scientists in BioScience

5. Greta Thunberg of Sweden triggers increased attention to global warming

6. China first to land on the dark side of the Moon.

7. Islamic State (ISIL) lost its land; Russia/Turkey take land left by the US

8. Public protests in Algeria, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Ethiopia, France,

Haiti, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kashmir (Internet Blackout by India

Lebanon. London, Montenegro, Russia, Sudan, Venezuela, and Zimbabwe

9. US-China trade war

10. President Trump Impeached

11. Brussels Bans 5G due to insufficient health/biological impact studies

12. Over 400 mass shootings in the USA

13. US Stock Market hits record Dow passes 28,621.

14. Measles increasingly spread worldwide due to lower vaccination rates

15. North Korea continues to test missiles in volition of UN Security Council

16. Brexit continues in limbo

17. Notre Dame burns in Paris

18. Same-Sex Marriage Legalized in Taiwan and Austria

19. China increases facial AI surveillance; San Francisco bans facial recognition

20. Space X launches 60 Internet Satellites

21. Ebola Vaccine approved, while Ebola in the Congo continues

22. Chip-to-chip quantum teleportation and multi-photon entanglement in silicon

23. Large areas of the Amazon rain forests burn out of control

24. A 315-billion tonne iceberg broke off Antarctica.

25. Neurolink connects single neurons to single sensors connected to external


26. Finland elects the youngest PM in the world.

27. US pulls out of Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF)

28. Volkswagen Beetle production ends

29. First NASA all-female spacewalk outside the International Space Station.

30. Venice flooding emergency

31. Pope Francis abolishes pontifical secrecy in sex abuse cases

32. Deep fake software publicly available decentralized information warfare

33. Plant-based hamburgers go mainstream in KFC, Berger King, McDonalds, others

34. Venezuela, Yemen, and Syria continue downward spiral


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35. 50 th Anniversary of the first Moon Landing, ARPANET, and Woodstock.

2018 Year in Review (not listed in any priority)

1. Fusion maintained for 100 seconds Wendelstein 7-X

2. North and South Korea teams together in Winter Olympics; allowed family visits

3. China doctor uses CRISPR-cas9 for first gene edited embryo (to prevent AIDS)

4. IBM's Project Debater AI defeated a human in a debate

5. China’s constitution changed to allow President Xi Jinping to rule for life

6. Syria, Venezuela, Yemen continue to get worse

7. Over half the world is middle class (US$ 11-110/day)

8. Democrats regain US House of Representatives

9. China-US trade scansions, and NY Stock market volatility

10. Political leadership uncertain in US, UK, France, and Germany while political

leadership seems more certain in Russia and China

11. Stephen Hawking dies

12. Canada legalizes Marijuana (Uruguay did before)

13. US Government reports global warming forecasts are more serious than before;

14. 4th hottest year on record; 20 of earth’s hottest years occurred in last 22 years

15. CO2 ppm reached 411.24 in May 2018; May 1998 it was 369.42

16. NASA returned to Mars for analysis inside of the planet

17. Several Russian strategic nuclear bombers land in Venezuela

18. 107 of 109 space launches successful; SpaceX delivered 64 satellites on one


19. Elon Musk launched a Tesla car in space to test payload capacity of new rocket

20. China launched spacecraft to land on the far side of the moon in January

21. Voyager 2 left the solar system (Voyager 1 left in 2012)

22. Apple reaches US$1 Trillion value, then falls back a few months later

23. Extreme weather caused 4 th highest number of insured losses

24. About 2 million drones fly in the US expect dramatic increases worldwide

25. 10-minute cancer test developed in Australia

26. Saudi Arabia lets women drive, but executes a journalist in their embassy

27. France beat Croatia to win the World Cup

28. 5G wireless telecommunications technology

29. US President Trump pulls out of Iran agreement

30. Russian Information Warfare attacks found far more invasive on US election than

previously knows via Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and others

31. Over 200 top US executives, politicians, entertainers, fired for sexual misconduct

32. Based on program upgrades, four additional binary black hole mergers detected

from data recorded in 2015, 2016, and 2017 – bringing the total to 10 black hole

mergers and one binary neutron-star merger

2017 Year in Review (not listed in any priority)

1. Most babies born this year are likely to see the year 2100

2. Me Too Movement knocks out stars in politics, sports, and the media, and spreads

around the world exposing male abuse of women


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3. First successful human embryo genetically edited

4. China announced quantum entanglement between satellite and ground station

5. Putin denies thousands of Russian-sourced bots targeted at specific US voter-groups

and regions via Twitter and Facebook accounts with thousands of hate-Hillary and pro-

Trump messages reaching over 100 million US voters

6. Donald Trump became US President with 3 million fewer votes than Hilary

7. President Trump announced withdrawal from the Paris Agreement and UNESCO, while

recognizing Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel

8. Mugabe ousted in Zimbabwe, Zuma ousted in South Africa, Yahya Jammeh ousted in


9. Venezuela accelerates its downward spiral

10. Cultural genocide, mass killings, rapes of Rohingya by Myanmar Army

11. 2017 likely be the hottest year on record in the absence of the El Niño; July 2017 had

tied July and August 2016 as the hottest month on record

12. SwissRe estimated global warming assisted natural disasters during 2017 cost

insurance industry about US$100 billion (Caribbean hurricanes cost $290 billion)

13. Yemen : 1 million got Cholera; 8 million near starvation; water nearly gone

14. EU fines Google $2.7 Billion for anti-trust activities

15. Bitcoin hits $19,500 before retreating; NY’s Dow hits record 24,792

16. SpaceX relaunched and re-landing a used Falcon 9 rocket booster saving $18 million

per launch.

17. Xi Jinping sets 5-year agenda at China’s 19th Party Congress China including the Belt

and Road massive infrastructure program and AI leadership by 2030

18. North Korea has 2,000 full-time hackers into financial systems (BBC)

19. First observation of gravitational waves from collision of two neutron stars.

20. North Korea tests hydrogen bomb and ICBM capable of reaching the USA

21. Quantum entanglement with 10 qubits on a superconducting circuit achieved

22. Defeat of ISIS/ISIL/IS control of Mosul most of the lands it had controlled

23. Australia became the 25th country to legalize same-sex marriage

24. Narrow AI proliferates from medical diagnosis to home assistants; even an AI robot

opened a conference in South Korea and given citizenship in Saudi Arabia

25. Emmanuel Macron provides a new face for European leadership

2016 Year in Review (not listed in any priority)

1. Paris Agreement on Climate Change entered into force

2. Hottest year on record (again) and highest CO2 ppm in recorded history

3. Rapid progress in genome editing with CRISPR-Cas9

4. Syrian conflict continues to get worse

5. ISIL loses most of its territory

6. Colombian Government and FARC end longest bar in Latin America

7. IAEA verifies Iran met Nuclear Framework Agreement goals

8. Google’s AlphaGo Beat Korean Go champion

9. AI’s rapid proliferation from Google’s Translate to Amazon ‘s Echo

10. Brexit

11. First vertical return landing of space rocket

12. Fidel Castro and John Glenn die

13. Microsoft’s HoloLens

14. Failed Military Coup in Turkey

15. OECD adds Latvia as 35 th Member


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16. Zika Virus spreads across the Americas

17. Summer Olympics in Rio Janeiro, Brazil

18. North Korea conducts 5th Nuclear Test, claims a hydrogen bomb test

19. Bob Dylan gets Nobel Prize for Literature

20. Putin orders cyber-attacks, fake news, infowar against Hillary Clinton’s election

21. Hillary Clinton wins USA vote; Donald Trump wins electoral college

22. ICC sentences Ex-Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadžić to 40 years

23. 214,000 offshore companies’ 11.5 million documents exposed in Panama

24. NASA’s Juno went into Jupiter’s orbit on July 4 th

25. US and Russia stay in the International Space Station for record 340 days

26. Baby born in Mexico with DNA from 3 parents (mitochondrial transfer)

27. Ecuador and Italy get major Earthquakes

28. 70-year-old Indian women gave birth to baby

29. 20 th Anniversary of The Millennium Project (smile).

2015 Year in Review (not listed in any priority)

1. UN Climate Change Agreement in Paris

2. Hottest year on record

3. Gene editing made much easier via CRISPR, could alter human evolution by

germ-line engieering

4. Gravitational waves detected from the collision of two black holes

5. Running water discovered on Mars

6. Skin cells turned into stem cells

7. Mass migration into Europe

8. Rise of ISIS, ISIL, IS, Daesh and Boko Haram

9. Russia takes Crimea

10. Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement

11. Greek financial crisis

12. Earthquake in Nepal nearly 9000 die

13. US-China joint global warming statement on new goals

14. Pope’s Encyclical Letter on global warming

15. Solar Impluse – solar electric airplane circumnavigates the globe

16. US-Cuba opens diplomatic relations

17. US Supreme Court ruling same-sex marriages legal

18. Global Je suis Charlie demonstrations against ISIL attacks in Paris

19. Russian plane shot down over Egypt

20. Nuclear Framework Agreement with Iran

21. 3D printing and drones became mainstream

22. China expands Island construction in South China Sea

23. Environmental movement is back: Keystone XL Pipeline & Climate Agreement

24. Carteret Islands environmental (sea-level) refugees (Papua New Guinea)

25. Most UN Millennium Development Goals reached for 2015; Sustainable

Development Goals set 2030

26. 70th Anniversary of the United Nations

27. Fly-by of Pluto video transmission received


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28. Vertical landing of two kinds of reusable rocket sections.

29. Price of oil falls dramatically

30. Costs of security for public spaces and cyberspace increase dramatically

2014 Year in Review (not listed in any priority)

1. US-China joint cooperation on reducing greenhouse gases

2. Record growth in US and China’s stock markets

3. 127 billionaires have pledged to give half their wealth to philanthropic causes

4. 2014 expected to be the hottest year in recorded history

5. CO2 emissions estimated to be 2.3% more than in 2013.

6. Hybrid synthetic DNA replicated and grew (A third base pare (d5SICS and dNaM) added

to natural E.coli DNA two base pairs (A-T & C-G)

7. India’s spacecraft reached Mars; European‘s spacecraft landed on a comet

8. Antares rocket, SpaceX, and Virgin Galactic spacecrafts crash/blowup

9. Syrian civil war continues over 2 million refugees

10. Syrian chemical weapons surrendered

11. ISIS, then ISIL, then IS beheadings; new US and others‘ airstrikes in Iraq/Syria

12. One Malaysian Airplane disappears, another shot down over the Ukraine

13. Russia takes Crimea and invades Ukraine (said with military volunteers)

14. Falling oil prices, falling Ruble, and increasing inflation in Russia

15. Mt Gox largest Bitcoin exchange failure

16. Ebola kills 7,000 across West Africa (many more die of Malaria each year)

17. 3D Printer on the International Space Station prints a socket wrench

18. Private drones and computer rist watches begin to proliferate

19. Argentine court gave Orangutan personhood rights for bodily autonomy.

20. Pope Francis criticizes Vatican management for pathology of power

21. First successful use of Simon’s algorithm on D-wave quantum computing

22. Brain to brain computer mediated communications demonstrated

23. A computer program Board of Directors Member for Deep Knowledge Ventures

24. Panama and Suez Canals massive expansions

25. Over half of all animals gone in less than 50 years (Living Planet Index)

26. Malala Yousafzai shares Nobel Prize for Peace

27. US-Cuba diplomatic relations

28. New Government in Iraq

29. US combat troops leave Afghanistan

2013 Year in Review

1. New Pope sets a new tone for the 1.2 billion Roman Catholics

2. Global Slavery Index estimates there are about 30 million slaves in 2013.

3. Nearly 40% of humanity uses the Internet

4. Malala Yousafzai survives Taliban assassination and becomes a new world force

5. Nelson Mandela’s passing reminds the world of greatness

6. The largest petition to recall a government in history: 22 million sign petition in

Egyptian for Morsi’s resignation


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7. Egyptian military crackdown on the Moslem Brotherhood

8. China lands a robot rover on the Moon, India launches spacecraft to Mars

9. Elon Musk continues private sector space program SpaceX Falcon 9 launching a

geostationary satellite at 1/3 the cost

10. Syrian Civil War worsens while it agreed to disarm chemical weapons

11. Hassan Rouhani opens Iran to the West and signs nuclear processing agreement

12. No. Korean conducts 3 rd underground nuclear bomb test and executes Pres’s uncle

13. China tensions with Japan & neighbors increase; US & China warships monitor

14. US Affordable Health Care Website problems

15. CO 2 passes 400 parts per million in the atmosphere; 2013 7 th hottest year recorded

16. Typhoon Haiyan hit the Philippines with the most powerful tropical storm to make

landfall on record with gusts reaching 235 mph.

17. Shanghai and California initiate cap and trade systems

18. First hamburger publicly cooked and tested from pure meat tissue grown without growing

a cow

19. UN adopts the Arms Trade Treaty of conventional weapons

20. Edward Snowden release of US intelligence wiretapping heads of state.

21. Largest meteor in a century hits Russian city of Chelyabinsk

22. USA makes recreational use of marijuana legal in Colorado and Washington and

Uruguay becomes the first country to make it legal to produce and sale marajuana

23. US Government shutdow for 16 days; Tea Party begins to lose power in the US

24. Human adult cell nuclei inserted in egg cells with previous nuclei removed that produced

new embryonic stem cells clonded for new stem cell line.

25. Higgs particle confirmed that gives rise to matter

26. Google Glass demonstrated

27. President Obama annouces Human Brain Initiative

28. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 5th Assessment Report

29. The were 628 recorded cyber-attacks over a 24 hour period on July 24, 2013 with

majority targeting the USA

2012 Year in Review

1. Humanity continues to be succeeding /winning more than it is losing, according to the 28

variables in the State of the Future Index

2. Higgs-like Particle discovered that may explain how matter is created

3. Skydive from the edge of space (24 miles) going faster than sound (Mach 1.24)

4. Moslem Brotherhood takes over the leadership of Egypt

5. Egypt’s Morsi goes from world hero (cease fire agreement) to world pariah dictator

within 24 hours

6. China and its ocean neighbors contest boundaries increasing tensions wit`h and among

Japan, Philippians, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Brunei

7. North Korea successfully launches intercontinental missile for orbital satellite

8. Wikipedia and others went dark to successfully block the US Congress’s SOPA (Stop

Online Piracy Act) and PIPA (Protect IP Act).

9. Big Data becomes popular subject for decisionmakers to explore how to use

10. China’s third human space launch carring the first Chinese woman into space

rendezvoused with China’s Space Lab


Jerome.Glenn@Millennium-Project.org and jglenn@igc.orgPage 12

11. SpaceX’s Dragon is the first successful private sector station re-supply vehicle

12. Mars Landing of Curiosity Robot

13. China proposes space power collaboration with India

14. Driverless cars by Google are legal in US (California, Florida, and Nevada)

15. President Obama’s endorsement of Gay Marriage

16. London Olympics – nurtures spirit of world peace

17. Facebook’s IPO financial loss

18. Pope’s assistant exposes some of the Vatican’s inner political corruption.

19. Severe political stalemate in Washington, D.C., US continues

20. More than 100 journalists have been killed so far this year, making 2012 the deadliest

year for media since UNESCO began keeping records on the issue

21. Syria’s civil war accellorates.

22. Likely 2012 will be the hottest year in US recorded history

23. Climate continues to change: USA is 60% in drought, super hurricane Sandy, heavy

flooding in Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Nigeria, North Korea, Pakistan, Philippines,

Romania, Russia, Singapore, UK

24. Euro financial crisis continues with riots especially in Greece and Spain

2011 Year in Review

1. World grew to 7 billion people

2. Arab Spring/Awakening

3. Occupy Movements initially on Wall Street

4. Other protests took to the streets in Greece, Russia, China, Spain, others

5. Japan Disasters

6. Tenth Anniversary of 911 Terrorist Attacks

7. Bin Laden Killed

8. US pulled out of Iraq

9. Steve Jobs Died

10. Tablet computers

11. Space Shuttle retired

12. China produced more cars that the US or Japan

13. Severe political stalemate in Washington, D.C., US

14. Robot 25% of Japan over 65 years old

15. Robonaut 2 humanoid robot (without legs) on International Space Station

16. IBM Watson computer beats human Jeopardy champions

17. Super High Vision 7,680 by 4,320 parcels created by Sharp is 16 times HD resolution

18. Brittan’s Royal Wedding

19. Unprecedented volume of Methane found bubbling up from shallow Arctic sea floor

20. Large Hadron Collider discovered a particle composed of a quark and anti-quark

21. Programmable quantum photonic chip

22. 26 Year old in charge of nuclear weapons in North Korea

23. More Internet users in China than the entire population of the USA


2010 year in review


Jerome.Glenn@Millennium-Project.org and jglenn@igc.orgPage 13

1. 2010 was the warmest year the earth has yet recorded.

2. China passed Japan in 2010 to become the world's second-largest economy behind the

United States, and has the second largest number of billionaires in the world.

3. BP Gulf Oil catastrophe

4. Wikileaks

5. Philippines may pass India this year as the largest call center than India – Financial


6. Airports across Europe closed for a week by Volcano ash (Eyjafjallajökull) causing chaos

for millions.

7. North Korea’s sinking a South Korean ship and shelling one of its islands.

8. Stuxnet computer worms attacking Iran’s nuclear program.

9. Financial crises and severe government cut backs across much of Europe.

10. Synthetic biology breakthrough creating an artificial life form.

11. US health care law

12. Haitian earth quake and cholera, Pakistan floods

13. Mexican organized crime violence continues to escalate

14. More electronic than paper books sold by Amazon.

15. Tea Pot boils in the USA

16. Sarah Palin shots a defenseless animal.

17. Gays ok in US Military.

18. Polar Ice continues to melt faster than forecasted, while few results in Copenhagen and


19. Frozen water discovered on the Moon – One the lunar pole about 600 million metric tons

(158 billion gallons) in 40 craters.

20. H1N1 declared a pandemic

21. US combat troops out of Iraq

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